cctv observer


Professional Video Surveillance for every enterprise

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intelligent cctv videoanalyse

Intelligent CCTV

CCTV enhanced by Video Analytics and Data Analysis

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CCTV enhanced by Video Analytics and Data Analysis

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Intelligent CCTV

CCTV in combination with video analysis and data analysis.
All tools necessary for intelligent monitoring on a software platform.

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retail analytics für kleine shops

Retail Analytics

The foundation for decision making for physical retail outlets

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The foundation for decision making for physical retail outlets

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Retail Analytics

Push your business with customer data

The Netavis multi-sensor platform with the sMart Data Warehouse provides the basis for sound decisions in stationary retail. sMart collects, manages and analyzes business data while creating output for big data applications. Versatile customization options and fast customization make the platform incomparably flexible.

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Individual solutions for support of industrial processes

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Individual solutions for support of industrial processes

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Solutions for industrial processes

Together with our customers we develop individual solutions for industrial processes

Hardly anybody is as affected by digital transformation as the industry. New technologies change processes, production procedures and structures sustainably. Those who want to remain competitive in this volatile market with ever shorter time to market require fast and smart production processes.

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Netavis Retail Analytics Video im Einkaufszentrum

Retail Analytics

Push your business with customer data

The Netavis multi-sensor platform with the sMart Data Warehouse provides the basis for sound decisions in stationary retail. sMart collects, manages and analyzes business data while creating output for big data applications. Versatile customization options and fast customization make the platform incomparably flexible.

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Solutions for industrial processes

Together with our customers we develop individual solutions for industrial processes

Industry is continually affected by digital transformation. New technologies change processes, production procedures, and structures sustainably. To remain competitive in this volatile and fast paced market you require dynamic production processes. Netavis’ video-based solutions help make your monitoring and maintenance processes more efficient, by securing and optimizing subprocesses. By combining video and process data, you gain valuable new information about your delivery and production. The sMart Data Warehouse, developed by Netavis, stores this data and enables analytics and planning. It offers a fast solution to a wide variety of needs and can be used via the cloud or on-premise.

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Video Technology zur Unterstützung industrieller Prozesse
Intelligent CCTV

Intelligent CCTV

The Observer Intelligent Video Platform combines CCTV with video analysis and data analysis.
All tools necessary for intelligent monitoring on a software platform

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Retail Analytics

Retail Analytics

Push your business with customer data
The Netavis multi-sensor platform with the sMart Data Warehouse provides the basis for sound decisions in stationary retail. sMart collects, manages and analyzes business data while creating output for big data applications. Versatile customization options and fast customization make the platform incomparably flexible.

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Solutions for industrial processes

Solutions for industrial processes

Together with our customers we develop individual solutions for industrial processes
Hardly anybody is as affected by digital transformation as the industry. New technologies change processes, production procedures and structures sustainably. Those who want to remain competitive in this volatile market with ever shorter time to market require fast and smart production processes.

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Intelligent CCTV

Intelligent CCTV

The Observer Intelligent Video Platform combines CCTV with video analysis and data analysis.
All tools necessary for intelligent monitoring on a software platform.

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Professional IP video surveillance. Reliable for more than 15 years.

Various applications supporting the security operation.

The video analytics tool built for your CCTV system.

Professional IP video surveillance. Reliable for more than 15 years.

Various applications supporting the security operation.

The video analytics tool for built your CCTV system.

Our Values

DSGVO relevant

Data Protection

Our products and solutions are compliant with the EU-GDPR laws and regulations.

One stop support for operating system and application

Personal Support

We keep close contact with our customers to support them throughout the lifetime of our systems.

Fokus von Netavis


We are focused on our core capabilities: Developing Software and perfectly tailored solutions

Retail Analytics

Die Netavis Multi-Sensoren-Plattform sMart bildet die Basis für fundierte Entscheidungen im Offline-Einzelhandel. Sie sammeln, verwalten, und analysieren alle Ihre Geschäftsdaten auf einer Plattform und schaffen gleichzeitig Output für Big Data Anwendungen. sMart bietet eine schnelle Lösung für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen und ist bereits im fünften major Release verfügbar.
Mehr erfahren

Unterstützung industrieller Prozesse

Unterstützung industrieller Prozesse

Kaum eine Branche ist von digitalem Wandel so sehr betroffen wie die Industrie. Neue Technologien verändern Prozesse, Produktionsabläufe und Strukturen nachhaltig. Wer in diesem volatilen Markt mit immer kürzeren Markteinführungszeiten wettbewerbsfähig bleiben will, benötigt schnelle und smarte Produktionsprozesse.
Netavis hilft mit videobasierten Lösungen Ihre Prozessüberwachung und Wartungsprozesse effizienter und sicherer zu gestalten sowie Teilprozesse zu optimieren.
Durch die Kombination von Video- und Prozessdaten gewinnen Sie wertvolle neue Informationen über Ihre Liefer- und Produktionsabläufe. Das von Netavis entwickelte sMart Data Warehouse sorgt für die Speicherung dieser Daten und bildet dort die Grundlage für Statistik und Planung. Es bietet eine schnelle Lösung für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen und kann Cloud-basiert oder on Premise genutzt werden.
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Intelligent CCTV

Intelligent CCTV

CCTV in Kombination mit Videoanalyse und Datenanalyse.
Alle nötigen Tools für intelligente Überwachung auf einer Softwareplattform.

Mehr erfahren

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Join our mailing list.

*Netavis Software GmbH will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide you with marketing updates.

arrow to the right arrow to the left Observer IVP Contact us

Complex video solutions made simple

AND SECURE arrow to the right arrow to the left Secruity Cockpit

Complex video solutions made simple

Contact us AND SECURE Der Observer Bildschirm zeigt die CCTV Sicherheits-Überwachungsbilder einer industriellen Produktionsstätte arrow to the right arrow to the left CCTV with Observer

Complex video solutions made simple

AND SECURE Contact us Ein Bildschirm der das Netavis iCat Videoanalyse Dashboard zeigt arrow to the right arrow to the left Video Analytics with iCat

Complex video solutions made simple

AND SECURE Contact us Das smart datawarehouse dashboard arrow to the right arrow to the left sMart Data Warehouse

Complex video solutions made simple

AND SECURE Contact us arrow to the right arrow to the left Inteligent Video Alliance Hintergrundbild main page setREVStartSize({c: 'rev_slider_15_1',rl:[1240,1240,1240,480],el:[550,550,550,720],gw:[1240,1240,1240,480],gh:[550,550,550,720],layout:'fullwidth',mh:"0"}); var revapi15, tpj; jQuery(function() { tpj = jQuery; if(tpj("#rev_slider_15_1").revolution == undefined){ revslider_showDoubleJqueryError("#rev_slider_15_1"); }else{ revapi15 = tpj("#rev_slider_15_1").show().revolution({ jsFileLocation:"//", duration:"4000ms", visibilityLevels:"1240,1240,1240,480", gridwidth:"1240,1240,1240,480", gridheight:"550,550,550,720", minHeight:"", spinner:"spinner0", editorheight:"550,768,960,720", responsiveLevels:"1240,1240,1240,480", disableProgressBar:"on", ajaxUrl:"", ajaxNonce:8264484e98, navigation: { onHoverStop:false }, fallbacks: { allowHTML5AutoPlayOnAndroid:true }, }); } });
cctv observer


Professional Video Surveillance for every enterprise

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intelligent cctv videoanalyse

Intelligent CCTV

CCTV enhanced by Video Analytics and Data Analysis

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CCTV enhanced by Video Analytics and Data Analysis

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Intelligent CCTV

CCTV in combination with video analysis and data analysis.
All tools necessary for intelligent monitoring on a software platform.

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retail analytics für kleine shops

Retail Analytics

The foundation for decision making for physical retail outlets

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The foundation for decision making for physical retail outlets

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Retail Analytics

Push your business with customer data

The Netavis multi-sensor platform with the sMart Data Warehouse provides the basis for sound decisions in stationary retail. sMart collects, manages and analyzes business data while creating output for big data applications. Versatile customization options and fast customization make the platform incomparably flexible.

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Individual solutions for support of industrial processes

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Individual solutions for support of industrial processes

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Solutions for industrial processes

Together with our customers we develop individual solutions for industrial processes

Hardly anybody is as affected by digital transformation as the industry. New technologies change processes, production procedures and structures sustainably. Those who want to remain competitive in this volatile market with ever shorter time to market require fast and smart production processes.

Learn more

Netavis Retail Analytics Video im Einkaufszentrum

Retail Analytics

Push your business with customer data

The Netavis multi-sensor platform with the sMart Data Warehouse provides the basis for sound decisions in stationary retail. sMart collects, manages and analyzes business data while creating output for big data applications. Versatile customization options and fast customization make the platform incomparably flexible.

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Solutions for industrial processes

Together with our customers we develop individual solutions for industrial processes

Industry is continually affected by digital transformation. New technologies change processes, production procedures, and structures sustainably. To remain competitive in this volatile and fast paced market you require dynamic production processes. Netavis’ video-based solutions help make your monitoring and maintenance processes more efficient, by securing and optimizing subprocesses. By combining video and process data, you gain valuable new information about your delivery and production. The sMart Data Warehouse, developed by Netavis, stores this data and enables analytics and planning. It offers a fast solution to a wide variety of needs and can be used via the cloud or on-premise.

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Video Technology zur Unterstützung industrieller Prozesse
Intelligent CCTV

Intelligent CCTV

The Observer Intelligent Video Platform combines CCTV with video analysis and data analysis.
All tools necessary for intelligent monitoring on a software platform

Learn more

Retail Analytics

Retail Analytics

Push your business with customer data
The Netavis multi-sensor platform with the sMart Data Warehouse provides the basis for sound decisions in stationary retail. sMart collects, manages and analyzes business data while creating output for big data applications. Versatile customization options and fast customization make the platform incomparably flexible.

Learn more

Solutions for industrial processes

Solutions for industrial processes

Together with our customers we develop individual solutions for industrial processes
Hardly anybody is as affected by digital transformation as the industry. New technologies change processes, production procedures and structures sustainably. Those who want to remain competitive in this volatile market with ever shorter time to market require fast and smart production processes.

Learn more

Intelligent CCTV

Intelligent CCTV

The Observer Intelligent Video Platform combines CCTV with video analysis and data analysis.
All tools necessary for intelligent monitoring on a software platform.

Learn more

Professional IP video surveillance. Reliable for more than 15 years.

Various applications supporting the security operation.

The video analytics tool built for your CCTV system.

Professional IP video surveillance. Reliable for more than 15 years.

Various applications supporting the security operation.

The video analytics tool for built your CCTV system.

Our Values

DSGVO relevant

Data Protection

Our products and solutions are compliant with the EU-GDPR laws and regulations.

One stop support for operating system and application

Personal Support

We keep close contact with our customers to support them throughout the lifetime of our systems.

Fokus von Netavis


We are focused on our core capabilities: Developing Software and perfectly tailored solutions

Retail Analytics

Die Netavis Multi-Sensoren-Plattform sMart bildet die Basis für fundierte Entscheidungen im Offline-Einzelhandel. Sie sammeln, verwalten, und analysieren alle Ihre Geschäftsdaten auf einer Plattform und schaffen gleichzeitig Output für Big Data Anwendungen. sMart bietet eine schnelle Lösung für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen und ist bereits im fünften major Release verfügbar.
Mehr erfahren

Unterstützung industrieller Prozesse

Unterstützung industrieller Prozesse

Kaum eine Branche ist von digitalem Wandel so sehr betroffen wie die Industrie. Neue Technologien verändern Prozesse, Produktionsabläufe und Strukturen nachhaltig. Wer in diesem volatilen Markt mit immer kürzeren Markteinführungszeiten wettbewerbsfähig bleiben will, benötigt schnelle und smarte Produktionsprozesse.
Netavis hilft mit videobasierten Lösungen Ihre Prozessüberwachung und Wartungsprozesse effizienter und sicherer zu gestalten sowie Teilprozesse zu optimieren.
Durch die Kombination von Video- und Prozessdaten gewinnen Sie wertvolle neue Informationen über Ihre Liefer- und Produktionsabläufe. Das von Netavis entwickelte sMart Data Warehouse sorgt für die Speicherung dieser Daten und bildet dort die Grundlage für Statistik und Planung. Es bietet eine schnelle Lösung für unterschiedlichste Anforderungen und kann Cloud-basiert oder on Premise genutzt werden.
Mehr erfahren

Intelligent CCTV

Intelligent CCTV

CCTV in Kombination mit Videoanalyse und Datenanalyse.
Alle nötigen Tools für intelligente Überwachung auf einer Softwareplattform.

Mehr erfahren

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Join our mailing list.

*Netavis Software GmbH will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide you with marketing updates.
